
6 to 8 years

Next Meetings

Kestrel Colony

Easter cards and SWIMMING UP
Wednesday 2nd April

Woodside Colony

Easter cards and SWIMMING UP
Thursday 3rd April

Our two Beaver colonies meet during school term time to have fun and make friends, while earning badges through completing activities and learning new skills. We have around 20-24 Beavers in each Colony, made up of both girls and boys. Beavers are split into smaller groups called “Lodges” and sometimes do team games and activities in their lodge.  Kestrel's lodges are Ladybirds (red), Beetles (blue), Grasshoppers (green) and Bumblebees (yellow).  Woodside's lodges are named after local woodlands - Ackender (red), Amery (yellow), Hawkins (black) and Chawton (white). Lodge Leaders and Uniform Inspectors wear an additional woggle and can earn leadership stripes by taking additional responsibilities.

The Colonies do lots of different activities - indoor and outdoor team games, challenges, arts & crafts, hikes, campfires, sleepovers and camps. We regularly participate in events with other Beaver colonies in the area, such as Skittles, Curling, Highland Games and a Christmas party. All these activities go towards completing a variety of badges. The two Colonies use systems to recognise Beavers' contributions and effort during meetings. Beavers can be awarded lodge points that are collected each term, and there is also a chance to be nominated Beaver of the Week - Beavers get a special certificate for their logbooks. We also have a Beaver mascot which might come home to be looked after until next time!

Beavers are easy to identify in their turquoise tops and numerous badges that they can earn throughout their time in the Colony. After 4 to 5 weeks, new members are invested into Scouting to join the millions worldwide who have taken the Scouting Promise. At this point, Beavers will start their badge collection and will also be given their 3rd Alton scarf and woggle. Beavers have the opportunity to earn their Chief Scouts Bronze Award, the highest honour a Beaver can achieve, over the 2 year period they are in the Colony.


Kestrel Colony

Wednesday night
17:30 - 18:45

Woodside Colony

Thursday night
17:30 - 18:45


Kestrel Colony

James "Hawk" Earley (Beavers Section Leader)
Alison "Owl" Fry (Assistant Beavers Section Leader)
Jenny "Hedgehog" Hudd (Assistant Beavers Section Leader)
Gilmar "Mouse" Lambert (Assistant Beavers Section Leader)
Freya "Rabbit" Giles (Young Leader)

Woodside Colony

Anna "Tawny" Lavelle (Beavers Section Leader)
Graham "Merlin" White (Assistant Beavers Section Leader)
Paul "Badger" Fletcher (Assistant Beavers Section Leader)
Simon "Eagle" Legg (Assistant Beavers Section Leader)
Oscar "Rook" Litton (Assistant Beavers Section Leader)
Henry "Sparrow" Carr (Young Leader)
Cameron "Starling" Grinstead (Young Leader)
